Bio Dr. Robert Dotson (pdf)
DownloadThe vision for discipleship training and the first module for the Discipleship Institute.
The vision for discipleship study guide for training the first module for the Discipleship Institute.
Kings and Priests under the Blood of Jesus Christ Our Great High Priest
Advanced Teaching is a comprehensive training course that prepares the learning for breaking down a bible text and building an in-depth teaching outline, the goal of which is to develop effective bible teachers. (Anybody Can Preach sold separately)
Advanced Preaching is a comprehensive training course designed to equip the teacher to develop a gospel message focusing on Jesus and His redemptive work. It further prepares the learner to preach an expository message by creating an effective preaching manuscript
My calling is to primarily teach the Bible and preach the Gospel. I believe good teachers make good preachers. My emphasis is always to bring a message from the text that is Gospel centered.Romans 1:16, “the Gospel of Christ is the power of God unto Salvation...”